September 2, 2015
Dumb-Ass Lists: EDGE's Favorite Kim Davis Memes
Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis, who has dominated the headlines since refusing to issue marriage licenses has entered social media immortality with a series of viral memes that made her a Facebook and Twitter star. In our continuing series "Dumb-Ass Lists," EDGE presents our favorite Kim Davis memes.
For those who can't zoom in.
Kim on the left says:
"Ah will not issue marriage licenses to homosexuals because the Bahble says it's a sin."
Kim in the middle says:
"Divorcin' and remarryin' multiple times like me? Well, the Bahble is very clear on that-"
Kim on the right says:
"Judge not, lest you be judged."
Stay tuned for more!
This story is part of our special report: "Dumb-Ass Lists". Want to read more? Here's the full list.